Home / Position Statements / T.T.M.A. Statement: Tobago Suspensions
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T.T.M.A. Statement: Tobago Suspensions

The Association wishes to extend deep sympathies to the family of Rose Gordon, Charlotteville Tobago and offers its support through its Tobago branch.

We also note with some discomfort the decision of the TRHA to suspend the team involved in her management. We fervently hope that this step was taken after a thorough investigation and was not a knee-jerk reaction to satisfy public sentiments or political directives.

We are aware that the Island has only two OB/GYN teams and suspending one effectively reduces Obstetric coverage by 50%. This could open the hospital to more adverse events.We sincerely hope that due thought and consideration was given to this likely scenario.

As always the Association stands ready to offer advice and assistance if requested to do so.

Austin Trinidade