myT&TMA Newsletter

T&TMA Rules

General Rules

General Rules

1. Where the Bye Laws of the Branches are in conflict with the Rules of the Association the Rules of the Association shall prevail. 2. No variation or alteration of the Rules shall be made unless it is approved by a general meeting duly convened for this or any purpose, and at that meeting a resolution is passed by 2/3 majority of members present, it having been circulated to all members, and to secretaries of the Branches for prior discussion at Branch level.



(a) Membership will consist of ordinary, honorary, temporary and student members. (b) Ordinary membership. Any medical practitioner registered in Trinidad and Tobago under the Medical Board Ordinance is eligible to apply for membership. (c) Honorary membership. The Association shall have power to elect to Honorary membership such persons as, in the opinion of the Council, have given outstanding service to the Association or have made distinguished contributions to medicine or the allied sciences or to national affairs whether such persons are registered by the Medical Board or not. (d) Temporary membership. Any medical practitioner who is eligible for ordinary membership but who intends to reside in Trinidad and Tobago for less than one year is eligible for temporary membership. (e) Student membership. Any bona-fide medical student is eligible for student membership. He may not hold office or vote but may speak with permission of the chairman. (f) Every member shall remain a member until his membership is terminated in accordance with the provisions hereunder. (g) Membership may be terminated in any of the following ways: (i) By resignation. (ii) By default in the payment of subscriptions to the Association for any year by the 31st March following the year for which subscriptions became due, appropriate notice having been given. (iii) Upon erasure from the Medical register of Trinidad and Tobago or from any similar register of any country wherein the member has been in practice. (iv) Upon expulsion after due inquiry (including the member’s right to be heard) on the grounds that the conduct of the member is detrimental to the honour or in interest of the Association, or the medical profession, or calculated to bring the Association or profession into disrepute, or where the member has willfully refused to comply with the Rules of the Association or lawful decisions duly passed by the general body at a general meeting. (v) By resolution of Council in the case of Honorary, Temporary, or Student Membership. (h) Application for Membership. Every candidate for membership pf the Association should apply in writing to the Secretary of the Association or such designated officer as will perform such a duty for the Secretary, and supply such relevant information as may be required including an agreement to abide by the Rules and lawful decisions of the Association, and of the Branch to which he will belong. (i) Election of Members. The Council of the Association may assign scrutiny of the membership application to such committee or committees as it may determine, and shall on receipt of a favorable report proceed to elect such person to membership at a duly constituted meeting of the Council. Such election shall form part of the duly circulated agenda of the Council meeting. (j) Register of Members. A register of all members of the Association shall be maintained by the Secretary of the Association. Branch registers shall be maintained by the respective Branch Secretaries. Each Branch register shall contain the necessary information concerning relevant members, including postal addresses and telephone numbers. A member shall be deemed to belong to the Branch under which he is registered, but may elect to transfer if there is a change of residence. The Annual return of members and their residential addresses, noting changes in addresses where they occur must be submitted to Council one month prior to the Annual General Meeting.



(a) Every member shall pay the Association a subscription of such amounts as may be determined as the annual subscription due in advance on the 1st January of each year or, in the case of members elected during the year, at the time of election. (b) Each year’s subscription shall entitle a member to all the privileges of membership of the Association, including that of receiving the Journal for the current year, and to the ordinary privileges of membership of that branch of which he is an ordinary member.



A person who shall have been a member of the Association and ceased to be such shall, if eligible for re-election, and if re-elected pay and entrance fee, the Annual fee and any arrears due before membership was terminated. Sanction of Council is necessary for re-eligibility of those persons whose membership ceased in accordance with Article 3(g) iii and 3(g) iv 6. All existing financial members shall continue to be members of the Trinidad and Tobago Medical Association at the commencement of this constitution. All other applicants for ordinary membership shall pay an entrance fee and an annual subscription as agreed in the Bye-Laws. 7. It shall be competent for the Association by way of decision of the Council or its Branches to require payment of any special subscription or levy to establish any special privileges, but non-payment of such sums will not deprive the member of any of the ordinary privileges of membership of the Association or its Branches.



(a) The Council shall have the power to expel from membership of the Association any member whose conduct shall be held by the Council to be such as renders him liable to expulsion under Article 3 (g) paragraph iv. (b) A majority of ¾ of those present and voting at a meeting or council shall be required for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred by clause (a) of this Article. (c) Council shall not accept the resignation of a member who is under investigation and has been duly notified of such investigation in writing, until the investigation is completed and the decision made known. (d) A member expelled under this section shall have the right to appeal within one year to an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose.



9. Members of the Association shall be formed into separate local bodies called Branches and each Branch shall have jurisdiction within a specified geographical area as determined by Council.

Formation, Alteration, Dissolution etc. of Branches

Formation, Alteration, Dissolution etc. of Branches

10. It shall rest with the Council from time to time to determine, recognize, and declare by resolution, and properly publish, what bodies of members shall form Branches of the Association, and what shall be the local area of each Branch and what special considerations if any will be given, and accordingly the Council shall have full power from time to time to merge, sub-divide, dissolve and modify Branches and the local area thereof. Nevertheless, not less than three months notice in all cases shall be given (in the manner prescribed in the Bye-Laws) to any such Branch within whose boundaries or area any change is proposed. 11. In determining the boundaries or area of Branches the Council shall have regard to the express wishes of the local members concerned, and to the facilities of communication and the opportunities thus afforded to members for meeting to transact any business thereof.



12. Every member whose address as registered for the time being in the Register of Members of the Association is at a place situated in the area of any Branch shall, ipso facto, be an ordinary member of that Branch. Every Member shall be entitled to attend all ordinary meetings of any Branch of the Association but shall be entitled to vote only at meetings of the Branch of which he is a member.



13. The Bye-Laws may provide for contributions, grants and subscriptions out of the General Fund of the Association to Branches, special groups of members and affiliate groups.



14. Subject to the Rules and the Bye-Laws of the Association, each Branch shall be free to govern itself in such a manner as it shall think fit, and for that purpose to make from time to time such Bye-Laws as it may think fit, and to repeal or alter these, as and when it shall consider it expedient.

Special Groups of Members | Affiliate Special Groups

Special Groups of Members | Affiliate Special Groups

15a. Special Groups of Members Special groups of members of the Association having distinctive professional interest may from time to time be formed and dissolved in such circumstances and manner and shall have such status and privileges as may be prescribed or determined by or in accordance with the Bye-Laws. 15b. Affiliate Special Groups Medical groups with special and distinctive professional interest in which all or part of their membership do not belong to or seek ordinary membership of the Association, upon application and payment of agreed fees, may be afforded affiliate status in the Association by Council.

Meetings of the Association

Meetings of the Association

The Association shall convene the following meetings. 16. The Annual General Meeting which statutory meeting shall be held in the month of December each year. 17. Ordinary General Meeting which may be convened at such time and place as may be fixed by Council. 18. Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened either: (a) as a result of an appeal from an expelled member (see Article 3 clause (g) paragraph (iv, or (b) as a result of Council’s desire to discuss or transact urgent business when the normal 21 days notice of a meeting cannot be given, or (c) at the signed request of ten or more financial members clearly explaining the purpose and objectives of the meeting. If the Council does not, within 21 days of the time of deposit of a request, proceed duly to convene an Extraordinary Meeting notice of which is given not less that 7 and not more than 21days from the proposed date of the meeting, the requesters or any 10 of them may themselves convene a meeting for the objects specified in the request. Any meeting so convened by the requesters shall be convened in the same manner, as detailed in article 20, or (d) as provided for by the Bye-laws 23. 19. Scientific meetings or conferences shall be arranged by Council at least once a year, alone or in conjunction with other bodies and all Members of the Association shall be eligible to attend.

Notice of Meetings.

Notice of Meetings.

Annual General and Ordinary General Meetings. 21 days notice of Annual General and Ordinary General Meetings shall be given to all members of the Association. The notice of such meetings shall include the time and place of each meeting and the general nature of the business for which each meeting is convened. In case of Annual General Meeting similar notice shall be given to the current auditors of the Association. Notice of General Meetings whether Annual or Ordinary shall be published by paid advertisement in the daily newspapers. Claims by members of failure to receive notice of a General Meeting shall not invalidate the proceedings of such a meeting, provided due notice as outlined above has bee given. Extraordinary General Meetings. 21 days notice shall normally be required to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting but this may be altered by Council where urgent business needs to be transacted as in Article 18 (b) or at the signed request of 10 or more financial members as in Article 18 (c). Scientific Meetings. At least 21 days notice shall normally be given but this may be altered at the discretion of Council. 21. Business of Meetings (a). Annual General Meeting The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be: (i) such business as, by the Rules or the Bye-laws shall be required to be transacted at such a meeting, including the appointment of a duly qualified professional auditor and the approval of agreed remuneration for such a functionary, and (ii) the receiving of such addresses and other communications and the discussion of such matters relating to medically and allied sciences as shall be arranged by Council for such meeting. (b) Ordinary General Meeting The Agenda of an Ordinary General Meeting may include business discussed or transacted at the Annual General Meeting, an Ordinary General Meeting and an Extraordinary General Meeting except the business of such Extraordinary General Meeting as are convened under Article 18 (c) and (d) (c) Extraordinary General Meeting. Except as prescribed under Article 18 (c) and (d) Council shall arrange for the Agenda and business of an Extraordinary General Meeting. (d) Scientific Meetings Council alone or in conjunction with other bodies shall arrange for the agenda and business of Scientific Meetings. For the more convenient consideration of the matters to be discussed, the Council may provide that they shall be considered in sectional meetings and the Council shall appoint a Chairman and other officers of such section and stipulate their duties, as well as the readers of any addresses that may be given. 22. The Council shall arrange the order of business of an Annual General Meeting and shall fix the times at which matters described in Article 21(a), (i) & (ii) shall respectively be considered. At the expiration of the time allocated for the transaction of any particular business, any portion of such business remaining for consideration shall be adjourned by the Chairman, without discussion, to such time as may have been appointed by the meeting for the resumed consideration of business of that description.

Adjournment of Meetings

Adjournment of Meetings

25. The Chairman of any General Meeting may, with the consent of the Meeting, adjourn any business from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned Meeting other than the business left unfinished at the Meeting from which the adjournment took place.

Voting at General Meetings

Voting at General Meetings

26. (a) Voting on resolutions at General Meetings shall be by show of hands, or by secret ballot if 5 or more members request this latter method. (b) A simple majority shall be necessary for passing of a resolution. (c) The Chairman shall have an original and a casting vote. (d) Where voting is by secret ballot the minutes shall record the number or proportion of the voting cast in favour of or against such resolution. 27. In respect of every resolution passed by a General Meeting of the Association (except a special resolution or an extraordinary resolution or a resolution relating solely to the procedure of the Meeting), the following provisions shall have effect; (a) Within one month after the date on which the resolution is passed, the Council shall hold a meeting for the purpose of implementing the resolution. (b) If such a meeting of the Council is not held within the stated period of one month, the resolution shall come into operation after 30 days from the date of its passage.

Powers and Duties of the Council

Powers and Duties of the Council

28. Subject to the provisions of any statute the general control and execution of the policy and affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Council. It shall be the duty of the Council to carry into execution resolutions passed by a General Meeting and administer the affairs of the Association in accordance with the Rules and Bye-Laws, and the Council shall exercise such powers and do such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Association. Where any action appears to require the views, opinion or sanction of the general body or where the matter appears to be controversial or requiring the support of the Association, such action shall be taken only after consideration at a General Meeting.



29. The Council shall provide for the safe custody of the Seal of the Association, and the Seal shall not be used except in pursuance of a resolution of the Council and in the presence of the President and Secretary of the Association, who shall sign every instrument to which the Seal is affixed.



30. The Association may admit to affiliation with it or seek affiliation with any Medical Association or similar body, on such terms and with such privileges as may be recommended by the Council. 31. The Association may terminate any such affiliation (after due notice on either side) by resolution of a General Meeting.



32. The Association may publish a Journal under the direction of the Council or may join with any other Association in the publication of a Journal in connection with the affairs of the Association. 33. Other Publications Lists of Medical Practitioners, records of transactions and other papers shall be published as and when the Council may think fit.



34. There shall be the following officers of the Association, namely, a President, Vice-Presidents (one for each eligible Branch as determined by Council), a President Elect, an Immediate Past-President, a Secretary, Assistant Secretaries (one for each Branch), a Treasurer and a Public Relations officer. The Officers aforesaid shall be elected in such manner and shall hold office for such term, and shall perform such duties and have such powers and privileges as shall be determined from time to time by the Bye-Laws. The Council shall consist of the officers of the Association and such other members as authorized by the Bye-Laws.

Financial and Other Reports And Audits

Financial and Other Reports And Audits

35. The Council shall once at least in every calendar year lay before the Association at the Annual General Meeting an Income and Expenditure Account for the period following the preceding Account, made up to a date not earlier than the date of the Meeting by more than three months. The Council shall also cause to be made out in every calendar year and to be laid before the Association at the Annual General Meeting a Balance Sheet made up to the date of the Income and Expenditure Account. Every such Balance sheet shall be signed on the behalf of the Council with respect to the state of the Association’s affairs and the amount, if any, which they propose to carry to reserves. It shall also have attached to it the Auditor’s report and such other documents as shall be required by the Bye-Laws to be annexed thereto. 36. The Council shall also annually prepare an estimate of the probable Income and Expenditure of the Association for the ensuing year and a report of the proceedings of the Association for the preceding year and the Balance Sheet and the Income and Expenditure Account and said Estimate. The Reports of the Council shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting. 37. The rights and obligations of every member or special group of members, and the appointment, duties and privileges of all officers and committees shall be such as are determined by the Bye-Laws. The Bye-Laws may from time to time be added to, amended, altered or repealed by the Council subject to the provisions of the constitution.



38. (a) Notice may be served by the Association upon members, personally, or by post to the last address appearing in the Register of Members, or by publication in a daily newspaper. (b) A notice may be served on any Branch by serving it on the Secretary of the Branch. (c) Any notice, if served by post, shall be deemed to have been served seven (7) days after posting and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that notice was properly addressed and put into the Post-Office, except that notices dealing with enquiries by the Council concerning conduct of a member shall be sent by Registered post.

Validity of Proceedings

Validity of Proceedings

39. The proceedings of the Council, or of the Executive Committee of any Branch, or of any committee or other body acting under Bye-Laws, shall not be invalidated by any vacancy among their members. 40. Where by the Bye-Laws an act or thing is required to be done by the Association, the same may be done by such officer of the Association as the Council may appoint for the purpose. 41. Changes in the Rules and Bye-Laws may be effected by circulation among members the proposed changes, 28 days before the date on which such proposals are to be debated at an Extraordinary General Meeting. The proposals should contain the views of the constituent Branches as forwarded be each Executive Committee after it has consulted its respective members, and should be put forwards as a resolution. Change in the Rules may be effected by a 2/3 majority of those present and voting. Changes in the Bye-Laws may be effected by a simple majority.

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